Product Detail
Full zirconia on implant are tooth root replacements, capped with a ceramic dental crown. The crown (replacement tooth) is connected to the implant with an abutment. Zirconia implants are somewhat new to the implant arena. In the US, we have been using Zirconia for implants since 2007 (Europe since the late 1980’s) while we have been using Titanium for dental implants since the 1960’s. Both materials are biocompatible offering high acceptance rates with the body promoting Osseointegration which means bone can grow around the implant material just as it does around our natural tooth roots. Currently, most FDA approved Zirconia implants are one piece. This means that the synthetic tooth root and the abutment are connected whereas they are two pieces with Titanium dental implants giving the dentist more control over a few elements of the entire implant placement process.
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