Teeth grinding and clenching, also known as Bruxism, is pretty common and can be painful and destructive to teeth. Luckily, there are plenty of night guards for Bruxism on the market that can help anyone who clenches and grinds their teeth while sleeping.
Most cases of Bruxism can easily be treated by wearing a night guard while you sleep. Night guards are also known as dental guards, mouth guards, nocturnal bite plates, or bite splints. They work by putting a barrier between your teeth. When you clench your jaw, the night guard helps to lighten the tension and give cushion to the muscles in the jaw. This cushioning not only helps to prevent face and jaw pain, but also protects the enamel of your teeth.
They look very similar to snoring remedies.
Night guards for Bruxism can be purchased over-the-counter without a prescription, as well as straight from the dentist. There are a few different ways they can be fitted, and the type that will work best for you depends on your individual needs.